Splunk Enterprise

Why permission error after upgrade during restart?


Exception: <class 'PermissionError'>, Value: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/splunk/etc/system/local/authentication.conf.migratepreview'


Unable to restart Splunk after upgrade

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0 Karma


What system is this? I assume this is some flavor of linux. Which distribution? How did you do the upgrade? (rpm? deb? tgz?) How was the original system installed?


0 Karma


Similar has happened to me for my last 2 upgrades (9.0.5 and  In both cases after the upgrade, some conf files end up with root:root ownership.  Before the upgrade they were splunk:splunk.

Offending files (plus 1 .pyc file and migration.log in var/log/splunk):




Primary concern are the conf files.  The upgrade is by .tgz file run as splunk:splunk.  The initial start is run by root cuz it needs root permissions to create the systemd boot-start file.  Is this just going to keep happening since I need to run "splunk enable boot-start . . . " as root?
It's not a big deal to run chown to fix everything, but it is a manually step when is sometimes forgotten.

0 Karma


Things don't happen by themselves usually. You must have sone something as root so that resulting files ended up being owned by root.

0 Karma


Make sure you performed the upgrade as the right user (the owner of Splunk as opposed to root).  Ensure all files in $SPLUNK_HOME are owned by the user running Splunk.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


I have inherited this system and the original owner is no longer with us.

How do I determine which account to use?

Is it better to uninstall and reinstall?


0 Karma


If Splunk is running : you can find the user running Splunk using 

ps -aux | grep -i Splunk

And find which user is running the process

If Splunk is not running : you can check who owns the $SPLUNK_HOME folder (usually under /opt/splunk)

As @richgalloway mentioned, you can try this command o be sure the user that will run Splunk has the ownership of the install path :

chown -R <user_meant_to_run_splunk> /opt/splunk


Good luck!

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