Today I've seen something strange. I was preparing a small workshop for the customer and wanted to show the performance difference between
index=_internal | stats count
| tstats count where index=_internal
I was completely baffled when the second search showed me (repeatedly) count of 0.
If I run the search on any other splunk instance I have access to it shows me more or less the same number for both searches (of course they can differ slightly as the _internal is dynamic so a difference of few dozen entries is perfectly understandable).
But this one showed 0 with tstats.
Anyone encountered something like that?
I didn't have time to investigate further, I hope I get some time tomorrow to look into it but I'm puzzled. To make thing more mysterious, for other indexes tstats shows proper counts. It's just the _internal index which lies that it has no events.
It's a 8.2.6 clustered (both indexer cluster and shcluster) installation.
Could also be related to
Unfortunately, the resolution in the linked issue did not seem to apply to us. It seemed very specific to the _internal index.
Is _internal tsidx-reduced on that system?
I'll have to check that but I don't think so.
Maybe it’s related to this
If I recall right I have seen some other too? probably another issue related to internal indexes.
r. Ismo
Indeed, seems related. Thanks!