Hi All,
We use Splunk DB Connect 3.10.0 for Oracle connections. Weirdly one Connection stopped working (after a password reset ) It is giving an error "
ORA-28000: The account is locked.
We have tried to remove the connection/identity and create one from scratch but to no avail. The Database guys are saying that the account associated with the identity is just fine and they are not getting any bad hits as well. that account worked fine when I tried it via SQL explorer on my laptop Below is log from splunk_app_db_connect_serverlog--
[dw-37 - POST /api/connections/status] ERROR c.s.d.s.a.s.d.impl.DatabaseMetadataServiceImpl - action=error_in_validating_connection connection=ConnectionConf{connectionType='oracle', defaultDatabase='xxxxxx', host='yyyyyyyyy', jdbcUrlFormat='jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<database>', jdbcUrlSSLFormat='jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=<host>)(PORT=<port>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<database>)))', jdbcUseSSL=false, port=1521, serviceClass='com.splunk.dbx2.OracleJDBC', jdbcDriverClass='oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver', testQuery='null', isolationLevel='null', readonly=true, identityName='XYZ_PROD', identity=DotConfBase{title='XYZ_PROD', disabled=false}, useConnectionPool=false, fetchSize=100, maxConnLifetimeMillis=1800000, maxWaitMillis=30000, minIdle=null, maxTotalConn=8, idleTimeout=null, timezone=null, connectionProperties='{}'}
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28000: The account is locked.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi All,
We figured that the Splunk maybe something is holding onto the connection to the DB. We tried stopping Splunk and then kill python and Java. After that restarted Splunk. Issue was still not fixed and so rebooted the server on which Splunk was installed. Issue was resolved..!!!
Hi All,
We figured that the Splunk maybe something is holding onto the connection to the DB. We tried stopping Splunk and then kill python and Java. After that restarted Splunk. Issue was still not fixed and so rebooted the server on which Splunk was installed. Issue was resolved..!!!
usual this means that db connection has some inputs/queries etc. which are running from several places like HF and SH regularly and enough often to get that account locked again. Sou you should change the password into the all identities and then probably again in db server and ensure that db account is not locked/revoked state in Oracle side. I cannot recall if it could locked also on OS / AD side too or only on Oracle db side.
Maybe one possibility is that when account has reseted/password has changed there are not cleared “user must change password in next login”?
r. Ismo