Splunk Enterprise

What is the Dashboard studio file extension?

Path Finder

Normally, for splunk  dashboard we will save it with file extension .xml. And we will promote the changes via git 

Here i want to know about the splunk dashbaord studios, what is the file extension, and once after creating the dashbaord via UI , i want to promote those dashbaords.
how can i do that ??????

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In my sandbox, Dashboard Studio files still are .xml files.  The DS JSON code is wrapped in an XML envelope like this

        <dashboard version="2" theme="light" hiddenElements="{&quot;hideEdit&quot;:false,&quot;hideOpenInSearch&quot;:false,&quot;hideExport&quot;:false}">
            <definition><![CDATA[{"visualizations":{"viz_Ozddmu1a":{"type":"splunk.table","options":{},"dataSources":{"primary":"ds_iPUldxwz"}}},"dataSources":{"ds_iPUldxwz":{"type":"ds.search","options":{"query":"index=_internal \n| stats count by component"},"name":"Search_1"}},"defaults":{"dataSources":{"ds.search":{"options":{"queryParameters":{"latest":"$global_time.latest$","earliest":"$global_time.earliest$"}}}}},"inputs":{"input_global_trp":{"type":"input.timerange","options":{"token":"global_time","defaultValue":"-24h@h,now"},"title":"Global Time Range"}},"layout":{"type":"absolute","options":{"display":"auto-scale"},"structure":[{"item":"viz_Ozddmu1a","type":"block","position":{"x":0,"y":0,"w":550,"h":430}}],"globalInputs":["input_global_trp"]},"description":"","title":"test"}]]></definition>

What exactly do you mean by "promote"?

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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Path Finder

 promote a dashboard,  that means instead of creating the dashboard via UI, i need to save the dashboard xml code in notepad  in our local repository and will deploy it via git.

So my requirement is,  i have the dashboard code,  i dont know what is the file extension to save it and do i need to add anything in the code. Because my dashboard code is directly starting from as shown below:

[{"visualizations":{"viz_Ozddmu1a":{"type":"splunk.table","options":{},"dataSources":{"primary":"ds_iPUldxwz"}}},"dataSources":{"ds_iPUldxwz":{"type":"ds.search","options":{"query":"index=_internal \n| stats count by component"},"name":"Search_1"}},"defaults":{"dataSources":{"ds.search":{"options":{"queryParameters":{"latest":"$global_time.latest$","earliest":"$global_time.earliest$"}}}}},ns":.................

So do i need to add the below things :

<dashboard version="2" theme="light" hiddenElements="{&quot;hideEdit&quot;:false,&quot;hideOpenInSearch&quot;:false,&quot;hideExport&quot;:false}">

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I'm not an expert on Dashboard Studio, but I'm guessing you do need the XML code around the JSON.  Otherwise, it's not a .xml file and probably won't work.

Save a Dashboard Studio dashboard and look at the file it created.  You should see the same thing I did.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.

Path Finder

sure will try, thank you

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