Hello All,
I am trying to find where a user is getting mapped to a role. I can see that the user is mapped to the power role in the webui, but I do not see the user being mapped there in /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/authentication.conf. So what am I missing? Also there is nothing in /opt/splunk/etc/apps/* that would map the user to the power role.
Hi @edwardrose,
User role mappings are in below file;
There is no role mapping info in the passwd file, @scelikok
Hi @richgalloway,
Inside $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passwd below bold field is user role for local Splun authentication. If user has more roles they are listed there comma separated.
In case of LDAP authentication user -> role mapping is in authentication.conf
Thanks for straightening me out, @scelikok . I ran a quick test and the mapping of user to role(s) is indeed in passwd. Authorize.conf maps the roles to capabilities and other settings.
I'll remove my erroneous answer to avoid confusion.
authorize.conf is used for mapping capabilities to roles