Splunk Enterprise

Unable to migrate from Splunk App for AWS to other alternatives

Loves-to-Learn Lots


We were using Splunk App for AWS which Splunk has stopped supporting and is now a legacy app. So as Splunk recommended to migrate to Splunk App for Content Packs(which includes Content Pack for AWS Reports and Dashboards) , migrating to this requires ITSI or IT Essentials Work as a pre-requisite to integrate and use the Content Packs. ITSI is a paid app and IT Essentials work has no version which is compatible with Splunk Enterprise 9.0. Why has Splunk demised a free app and as an alternative, we are forced to move to paid version (indirectly because of ITSI)

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on splunkbase it has said that https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5403 version is compatible with 9.0 version. So you could use it.

r. Ismo

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Loves-to-Learn Lots

Let me check that. I did visited the app documentation on previous day when it was saying that its Cloud-only version. But fortunately today it is showing documentation properly for installation on Splunk Enterprise on-premise instance


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