How do i extract this message in splunk rex field to display error code and message in reports like ABC_Code and Message?
"exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: ABC_1000:We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while getting information"
Yeah it is just a rex command so it will show raw events. If you want a table like you asked in one of your comments use below search
index=abc "exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException" | rex field=_raw "Exception\:\s(?=ABC)(?<ABC_CODE>[^\:]+)\:(?<Message>[^\"]+)" | stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
didnt work for this as well shows all the logs
Yeah it is just a rex command so it will show raw events. If you want a table like you asked in one of your comments use below search
index=abc "exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException" | rex field=_raw "Exception\:\s(?=ABC)(?<ABC_CODE>[^\:]+)\:(?<Message>[^\"]+)" | stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
this looks good but is there a way to minimize message to limited text instead of whole events error?
You use an eval command with substr function to get a part of that message.
Example: To get first 10 letters
| eval Message=substr(Message, 1, 10)
I hope I understood what you are looking for.
this looks better. how do i add another exception here with "exception":"ExecutionException" in below. so there will be two.
index=abc "exception":"CommonApplicationException"
| rex field=_raw "Exception\:\s(?=ABC)(?<ABC_CODE>[^\:]+)\:(?<Message>[^\"]+)"
| eval Message=substr(Message, 1, 140)
| stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
Also how to add this same rex field there?
ABC-* |rex field=_raw "errors\"\:\[\{\"code\"\:\"(?P<ABC_Code>ABC\-\d+)\"\,\"message\"\:\"(?P<Message>[^\"]+)" | where ABC_Code!="" | search ABC_Code=* | stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
index=abc ("exception":"CommonApplicationException" OR "exception":"ExecutionException")
| rex field=_raw "Exception\:\s(?=ABC)(?<ABC_CODE>[^\:]+)\:(?<Message>[^\"]+)"
| rex field=_raw "errors\"\:\[\{\"code\"\:\"(?P<ABC_Code>ABC\-\d+)\"\,\"message\"\:\"(?P<Message>[^\"]+)"
| eval Message=substr(Message, 1, 140)
| stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
Added your other key word and regular expression. I hope that new regular expression is working for you. I don't have sample data to verify that.
1. {\"errors\":[{\"code\"😕"ABC-1000\",\"message\"😕"Sorry we are unable to process your request.
index=abc ABC-*
|rex field=_raw "errors\"\:\[\{\"code\"\:\"(?P<ABC_Code>ABC\-\d+)\"\,\"message\"\:\"(?P<Message>[^\"]+)" | where ABC_Code!="" | search ABC_Code=* | Stats count by ABC_Code Message
2. exception:CommonApplicationException ABC_1001:We're sorry, it looks like an error occured
index=abc "exception":"CommonApplicationException"
| rex field=_raw "Exception\:\s(?=ABC)(?<ABC_CODE>[^\:]+)\:(?<Message>[^\"]+)"
| eval Message=substr(Message, 1, 140)
| stats count by ABC_CODE, Message
I have these two rex and want to combine both but because these two are different is it possible to combine them and have Stats count by ABC_Code Message?
| eval parts=split(field,":")
| eval message=mvindex(parts,2)
this doesnt work, could you please give another solutions?
Sorry that should have been
| eval parts=split(field,":")
| eval message=mvindex(parts,3)
If this doesn't work, can you provide more complete example event (anonymised) and details of what fields you already have extracted to help us find a better solution
searching above displays like these in below events
"exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: ABC_1000:We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while getting information"
"exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: ABC-2000:We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while getting information"
I want to take the ABC_ OR ABC- error codes and have a report based on that which should look like this
ABC Codes | message | counts |
ABC_1000 | We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while getting information | 3 |
ABC-2000 | We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while getting information | 5 |
| rex field=fieldX "(?<ABCcode>ABC(_|-)\d+):(?<message>.*?)"
didnt work with this rex query
Perhaps this will work?
| rex field=fieldX "(?<ABCcode>ABC(_|\-)\d+):(?<message>.*?)"
Rather than me guessing what your events actually look like and what your current search looks like with respect to fields already extracted, perhaps you can provide some more detail?
2021-06-09 15:00:37.640 ThreadCompletableFuture : {"logType":"STANDARD","message":"Exception occurred executing task","context":{"configLabel":"abc-session-4.0-372","threadContextId":"2e63fe-83f"},"exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: CommonApplicationException: ABC_2004:We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while retrieving information
2021-06-09 15:00:37.640 ThreadCompletableFuture : {"logType":"STANDARD","message":"Exception occurred executing task","context":{"configLabel":"abc-session-4.0-372","threadContextId":"2e63fe-83f"},"exception":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: CommonApplicationException: ABC-2014:We're sorry, it looks like an error occurred while retrieving information
it looks sth like this and i want the abc code and message
| rex "(?<errorCode>ABC(_|\-)\d+):(?<errorMessage>.*)"