When the below search is ran, it'll count duplicate failed logons for all users. How do I exclude duplicates in a count?
count by
-count|rename user as "Username", src_nt_domain as "Domain", src_ip as
"IP Address"
Try this -
eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
| fields_time, signature, src_ip, src_host, src_nt_host, src_nt_domain, user, Logon_Type
| dedup signature
| stats count by user, src_nt_domain, src_ip,
| sort - count
| rename user as "Username", src_nt_domain as "Domain", src_ip as "IP Address"
Based on the assumption that the dups will have the same signature.
Hey @bayman, if @DalJeanis's solution worked then please don't forget to accept their answer to award karma points and close the question. 🙂
Try this -
eventtype=msad-failed-user-logons (host="*")
| fields_time, signature, src_ip, src_host, src_nt_host, src_nt_domain, user, Logon_Type
| dedup signature
| stats count by user, src_nt_domain, src_ip,
| sort - count
| rename user as "Username", src_nt_domain as "Domain", src_ip as "IP Address"
Based on the assumption that the dups will have the same signature.
I dedup _time instead and it seemed to work better. Thanks
@bayman - thanks for letting us know what worked. Interesting that the signature might be different between two duplicate events. Must mean something different from what I was guessing.