After upgrading Splunk version from 8.1.5 to 9.0 we are getting indexing not ready error in Splunk deployment server. Anything we need to perform in indexer clustering.
What is the solution? Can anyone help.
Are all of your indexers up? Is the RF met? If both are true then you can ignore the "error".
Why is the Deployment Server even reporting this? Is it also your Monitoring Console? If so, is the MC still configured properly?
Actually 2 indexers are not working form last 3 months. Now we have upgraded all other indexers and we have not seen this error before upgrade. Actually we have some another monitoring console in our distributed environment.
So as part of upgradation we first performed this activity in dev environment and found this issue. Can you guide on this.
Whwn I checked MC everything is perfect serach factor and replication factoe met but this instance is showing unhealthy.
I would trust what the MC says about the environment's health over what the DS says. Still, it's a good idea to get those 2 indexers working again.
Consider disabling the check on the DS. Click on the Health icon then click the Health Report Manager link. Scroll down to "feature:indexing_ready" and click on it. Turn off both switches then click Save.
We didn't found that feature "feature:indexing_ready" in our DS.
What can be done, still health is red?
Which version of Splunk is the DS using?