I am using below CURL to export data in JSON format, in this command, may I know how to add the exact date and time to search the results? For instance if I need to search the results from 8th of Wednesday 2020 10am (May i know how to give this time in command?)
curl -k -u admin:password -d search="savedsearch %22testsavedsearch%22" -d earliest_time=-24h@h -d output_mode="json" https://splunk-api-url:8089/servicesNS/nobody/appname/search/jobs/export > json.txt
You specify the earliest and latest time modifiers in the search, e.g.
earliest="07/08/2020:10:00:00" latest="07/08/2020:10:00:00"
where the format is US format
Its not working
curl -k -u admin:password -d search="savedsearch %22testsavedsearch%22" -d earliest="07/08/2020:10:00:00" latest="07/08/2020:10:30:00" -d output_mode="json" https://splunk-api-url:8089/servicesNS/nobody/appname/search/jobs/export > time2.txt
I am getting error as
Could not resolve host: latest=07; Name or service not known
If I remove latest="07/08/2020:10:30:00" its working (How to include the latest time)
You will have to url encode the earliest and latest, the quotes and slashes like you have done with the %22 for the quotes around the saved search name
I am using the below command. Is this correct? It not giving me the exact result (between 13:00 to 13:05) its fetching all the results, I could see the time values 12:00 also 15:00
curl -k -u admin:password -d search="savedsearch %22testsavedsearch%22" -d %22earliest%3d07%2f10%2f2020%3a13%3a00%3a00%20latest%3d07%2f10%2f2020%3a13%3a05%3a00%22 -d output_mode="json" https://splunk-api-url:8089/servicesNS/nobody/appname/search/jobs/export > time4.txt
Sorry my bad
In the saved search command you should pass the earliest and latest parameters, e.g.
-d search=" savedsearch testsavedsearch earliest=07/08/2020:10:00:00 latest=07/08/2020:10:30:00"
and in your saved search definition itself you have as part of the search
earliest="$earliest$" latest="$latest$"
which is the replaceable parameter referred to in the docs
The Time which we give here is that in UTC?
Not totally sure - should be easy to test it and see