Splunk Enterprise

Python Error After Upgrading from to 9.0.2

Path Finder

Our Dev Splunk instance was recently upgraded from Splunk Enterprise to 9.0.2.

I am getting the following error on our primary Search Head from python.log on splunkd restart:

ERROR config:149 - [HTTP 401] Client is not authenticated Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/splunk/appserver/mrsparkle/lib/config.py", line 147, in getServerZoneInfoNoMem return times.getServerZoneinfo() File "/opt/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/splunk/appserver/mrsparkle/lib/times.py", line 163, in getServerZoneinfo serverStatus, serverResp = splunk.rest.simpleRequest('/search/timeparser/tz', sessionKey=sessionKey) File "/opt/splunk/lib/python3.7/site-packages/splunk/rest/__init__.py", line 625, in simpleRequest raise splunk.AuthenticationFailed splunk.AuthenticationFailed: [HTTP 401] Client is not authenticated

I did a re-scan of everything using the newest version of the Upgrade Readiness App (off Splunkbase). Some apps did have a Python warning. I verified currently installed versions of each app (with the exception of Splunk Enterprise package-included apps like Splunk Secure Gateway and Splunk RapidDiag) and the documentation states our installed versions are compatible with Enterprise 9.0. It does not appear that any installed apps are using a deprecated version of python.

I also ran the following command and verified our python version as Python 3.7.11:
splunk cmd python -V

After combing over known issues for the 9.0 release
and other Answers threads I’ve had no luck. I don’t know if this errors is meaningful so direction would be advised.

Thank you!

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0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

I am getting the same errors on my hf's, did you get any assistance on this?

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hey, @terry_berryhill!

The 401 errors are expected when Splunk restarts and the web client attempts to reconnect using old cookies. According to Splunk support the 401 errors can be safely ignored.

Issue number:

Hope this helps!

0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

It appears that when we upgraded from to 9.0.2 Splunk assist was turned on.  We turned off Splunk Assist (we do not have Splunk Cloud services)  the errors stopped.

0 Karma
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