I recently issued a "splunk set default-hostname <hostname>" on a new node I added to our search cluster. It ended up replicating etc/system/local/inputs.conf to all other members, so obviously, all search members began logging their events with the same 'host' field.
So, if I want to avoid this in the future, how do I leverage conf_replication_summary.excludelist to blacklist the file from replication?
I'm thinking that it'd be something like this, but I really don't know as I've never used this flag before.
conf_replication_summary.excludelist.inputs = etc[/\\]system[/\\]local[/\\]inputs\.conf
Thank you.
Are you actually sure that this was what caused your issue? Inputs shouldn't replicate by default AFAIR.
Almost positive ...
There are a few Enterprise Security helper apps ( like SA-IdentityManagement ) that as delivered come with:
( cat SA-IdentityManagement/default/inputs.conf )
conf_replication_include.distsearch = true
conf_replication_include.inputs = true
conf_replication_include.identityLookup = true
I believe that's in some way responsible for this ... but I have no clue as to why this (and several other helper apps) are coming with [shclustering] blocks in an inputs.conf
Ok. This makes sense. Unfortunately. ES does some wacky things by running "inputs".
Doing that to the Search Heads can cause more troubles than it's worth. Best to backtrack that change.
Then opt for a transforms.conf option to rewrite the host field value.
[hostname-override] SOURCE_KEY = MetaData:Host REGEX = . FORMAT = host::$HOSTNAME