Hi there we noticed we are not getting some logs coming through @ some hours in the morning after log rotation. so we ran the below query.
index=_internal host=* /opt/workfusion/supervisord/log/workfusion.out.log NOT Metrics earliest=-7d latest=now
| timechart span=5m count as NumInt
here's the result below
11-24-2020 01:30:03.080 +0200 INFO WatchedFile - File too small to check seekcrc, probably truncated. Will re-read entire file='/opt/workfusion/supervisord/log/workfusion.out.log'.
11-19-2020 01:30:04.536 +0200 INFO WatchedFile - Logfile truncated while open, original pathname file='/opt/workfusion/supervisord/log/workfusion.out.log', will begin reading from start.
How can I fix this since it's affecting our dashboard because there are no results or logs so the dashboard is empty.
cp to backup location, then rm originals