I have been able to enter the following data in splunk through key value with the following format:
sourcetype="excel_page_10" mail_sender="jordi@jordilazo.com" mail_recipient="lazo@jordilazo.es" mail_date_ep="1635qqqqwe2160816.0" mail_nummails="1222asdasd.adasdqweqw" mail_level="0@qw....." mail_info="NO" mail_removal="NO" mail_area="Miami" mail_subject="RE: NMXWZFOG< >VSTI" mail_id="XXX-KKKK-NNNN-KNZI" mail_reviewcomment="Comentario:ÑC<AZR=@P""\a"
As can be seen in the image, splunk has been able to correctly classify all the fields and value. However it has created a new field called AZR with the value @P. This is because it has detected an = inside the comment review value and created it.
What do I have to modify in the props and transform so that it detects the entire reviewcomment field as 1 single value and includes the symbol =?
Try changing the sourcetype reference from this:
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
To this:
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
If you still can't get it working, I suggest using the field extractor tool. You can paste the regex straight in there. Below is the result I get.
Hi @jordilazo
This props.conf contains index time and search time instructions (the extraction is search time)
You could put this props.conf file on your searchhead, or create a new one with just the extract entry provided.
Hi Chaker,
Unfortunately I have tried everything but Splunk keeps automatically creating a new field for the mail_reviewcomment field.
Maybe the problem is in the input.conf?
I run the script automatically.
Here I leave my configuration:
disabled = 0
index = jordi_emails
interval = 55 14 * * *
source = external
sourcetype = preproc
TIME_PREFIX = timestamp=
KV_MODE = auto
TRANSFORMS-dynamic_sourcetype = dynamic_sourcetype
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
REGEX = sourcetype="(\w+)"
FORMAT = sourcetype::$1
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype
Looks exactly the same like the props.conf in my HF (as you said).
Try changing the sourcetype reference from this:
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
To this:
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
If you still can't get it working, I suggest using the field extractor tool. You can paste the regex straight in there. Below is the result I get.
This solution works but it wasn't exactly what I wanted.
In this post this person asked the same and its looks like there is no solution.
How to escape equal signs (=) in key value data? - Splunk Community
Hi Chaker,
I think it is working but the problem is that I have another event that contains double quotes" inside the value.
Here is an example:
So splunk is getting confused again.
How can I modify the REGEX so splunk will process the field?
Hi @jordilazo
As long as mail_reviewcomment is the last field in all the events, the following regex will work.
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)$
If the schema changes, and this field is no longer the last field in the event, this regex will not work, and will require some changes.
EXTRACT-mail_reviewcomment = mail_reviewcomment="(?<mail_reviewcomment>.+?)"
No need to modify transforms.conf in this case.
Hi Chaker,
My props looks like: