There's a limitation in the dbinspect command where you cannot specify multiple indexes to report on, therefore reporting on an installation where multiple indexes are used can be a time consuming thing.
This answers article is a good start, but unfortunately you can only do one index at a time. How do I get around this?
This PERL script will generate a csv report and email it (assuming all required packages are installed) to specified email address.
Only thing required is the Shared utilities package (in my case it was sharutils-4.6.1-2.x86_64) for the uuencode portion.
You will need to modify some of the variables (mainly the $username and $password) if you want it to automatically log you in.
### Set variables
$header="Index Name,DB Type,earliest event time,latest event time, size (mb)";
### Delete previous versions of the report
$output_name="> ${output_dir}/${report_name}";
### Get list of indexes
@index_config_raw=`cat /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/indexes.conf`;
foreach $line (@index_config_raw) {
chomp $line;
if ($line=~m/\[/) {
print OUTPUT "$header \n";
### Processes indexes
foreach $index (@indexes) {
chomp $index;
$splunk_command="${splunk_bin_dir}/splunk search \"| dbinspect index=\"${index}\" timeformat=\"\%s\" | rename state as category | stats min(earliestTime) as earliestTime max(latestTime) as latestTime sum(sizeOnDiskMB) as MB by category | convert timeformat=\"\%m/\%d/\%Y\" ctime(earliestTime) as earliestTime ctime(latestTime) as latestTime\" -auth ${username}:${password}| grep -v \"category\" | grep -v \"-\" ";
if ($#result ne "-1") {
foreach $return (@result) {
chomp $return;
print OUTPUT "$index,$db_type,$earliest_event,$latest_event,$size \n";
if ($#result eq "-1") {
print OUTPUT "$index,Empty Index,Empty Index,Empty Index \n";
if ($mail_to ne "") {
`uuencode ${output_dir}/${report_name} ${output_dir}/${report_name} | mailx -s \"Splunk Index Report\" $mail_to`;
I will also note that dbinspect
does not work in distributed search mode, it only does the local server. If you have a few indexers, this can also be tedious. That would be a nice enhancement too. If someone were interested.
This PERL script will generate a csv report and email it (assuming all required packages are installed) to specified email address.
Only thing required is the Shared utilities package (in my case it was sharutils-4.6.1-2.x86_64) for the uuencode portion.
You will need to modify some of the variables (mainly the $username and $password) if you want it to automatically log you in.
### Set variables
$header="Index Name,DB Type,earliest event time,latest event time, size (mb)";
### Delete previous versions of the report
$output_name="> ${output_dir}/${report_name}";
### Get list of indexes
@index_config_raw=`cat /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/indexes.conf`;
foreach $line (@index_config_raw) {
chomp $line;
if ($line=~m/\[/) {
print OUTPUT "$header \n";
### Processes indexes
foreach $index (@indexes) {
chomp $index;
$splunk_command="${splunk_bin_dir}/splunk search \"| dbinspect index=\"${index}\" timeformat=\"\%s\" | rename state as category | stats min(earliestTime) as earliestTime max(latestTime) as latestTime sum(sizeOnDiskMB) as MB by category | convert timeformat=\"\%m/\%d/\%Y\" ctime(earliestTime) as earliestTime ctime(latestTime) as latestTime\" -auth ${username}:${password}| grep -v \"category\" | grep -v \"-\" ";
if ($#result ne "-1") {
foreach $return (@result) {
chomp $return;
print OUTPUT "$index,$db_type,$earliest_event,$latest_event,$size \n";
if ($#result eq "-1") {
print OUTPUT "$index,Empty Index,Empty Index,Empty Index \n";
if ($mail_to ne "") {
`uuencode ${output_dir}/${report_name} ${output_dir}/${report_name} | mailx -s \"Splunk Index Report\" $mail_to`;