As you can see, I use a first eval in order to rename the field "site"
From the site renamed, I need to create a new field called "toto" in order to add new information for the field site.
So I create an eval if command like below but it doesn't work.
What is wrong please and is there another simple way to do this?
| eval site=case(site=="BR", "Espace Br", site=="PERI THEATRE", "Espace Périg", 1==1,site)
| stats last(site) as "Espace BP" by s
| eval toto=if("Espace BP"=="Espace Br", "4G")
| table "Espace BPE" toto
The if function is comparing two different strings and setting a value only if they are equal. Therefore, toto is always null.
Use single quotes around a field name containing spaces.
| eval site=case(site=="BR", "Espace Br", site=="PERI THEATRE", "Espace Périg", 1==1,site)
| stats last(site) as "Espace BP" by s
| eval toto=if('Espace BP'=="Espace Br", "4G")
| table "Espace BPE" toto
Better yet, don't use spaces in field names at all. Add a final rename command in the query to make the names "pretty".
The if function is comparing two different strings and setting a value only if they are equal. Therefore, toto is always null.
Use single quotes around a field name containing spaces.
| eval site=case(site=="BR", "Espace Br", site=="PERI THEATRE", "Espace Périg", 1==1,site)
| stats last(site) as "Espace BP" by s
| eval toto=if('Espace BP'=="Espace Br", "4G")
| table "Espace BPE" toto
Better yet, don't use spaces in field names at all. Add a final rename command in the query to make the names "pretty".