we are having issues with performance and just noticed that our F5 app is consuming a lot cpu resources:
the attach file is from one of my indexes
what can I do?
thank you
Hey There -
Which app is this? Is it this one? https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3161/
Which version of Splunk are you using? Do you know if the app runs accelerated reports? What do you see when you go to Search Activity in the Monitoring Console (Search->Activity-> Search Activity: Deployment) and check to see if there are searches running with high CPU.
I also see high memory usage from a couple of other apps in that list.
If there is a search consuming high CPU, you can see if there is a way to modify or delete it if you don't care about it. Also, you may need to review your Splunk infrastructure specs to determine if you need to scale or add additional compute/ storage. There is a lot of great information here: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Capacity/Referencehardware
Let's start with what you're seeing in the Monitoring Console and go from there.
I will look into this