Splunk Enterprise

Correct format for inputs.conf stanza


I want to add C:\windows\system32\winevt\logs\Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode/Operational  as a stanza in my inputs.conf.

How do I write the stanza?

Thank you

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1 Solution


Are those logs deliberately put in a file, or can they be viewed in the Windows Event Log?

If they are in the Windows Event Logs, then you can use a WinEventLog stanza:

index=<your index>
sourcetype=<your sourcetype>

 ref: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.2.0/admin/Inputsconf

View solution in original post

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Are those logs deliberately put in a file, or can they be viewed in the Windows Event Log?

If they are in the Windows Event Logs, then you can use a WinEventLog stanza:

index=<your index>
sourcetype=<your sourcetype>

 ref: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.2.0/admin/Inputsconf

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Thank you!

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