I need to create a pie chart based on different types of logs. I tried the below query,
index=*** source=**** earliest=-7d@h latest=now | append [search spath=TestSplunkLog.TestFailureLog.payload.failureCount output=failureCount|stats sum(failureCount) as TOTAL | eval Type="FAILURE" ] | append [search spath=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.publishedCount output=publishedCount|stats sum(publishedCount) as TOTAL | eval Type="PUBLISHED" ] | append [search spath=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.duplicateCount output=duplicateCount|stats sum(duplicateCount) as TOTAL | eval Type="DUPLICATE" ]| stats values(TOTAL) by Type
But it is not returning anything. Can anyone please suggest me the right solution for my problem?
You are not specifying where within your subsearches are you trying yo use spath, so nothing comes out of it.
Few things, use the argument path
in the spath.
Do all the spaths as you need directly from what you are getting from the Index:
index=****** earliest=-7d@h latest=now
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestFailureLog.payload.failureCount output=failureCount
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.publishedCount output=publishedCount
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.duplicateCount output=duplicateCount
| table failureCount publishedCount duplicateCount
| transpose 0 column_name="TYPE"
| stats sum("row 1") as total by TYPE
You are not specifying where within your subsearches are you trying yo use spath, so nothing comes out of it.
Few things, use the argument path
in the spath.
Do all the spaths as you need directly from what you are getting from the Index:
index=****** earliest=-7d@h latest=now
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestFailureLog.payload.failureCount output=failureCount
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.publishedCount output=publishedCount
spath path=TestSplunkLog.TestSuccessLog.payload.duplicateCount output=duplicateCount
| table failureCount publishedCount duplicateCount
| transpose 0 column_name="TYPE"
| stats sum("row 1") as total by TYPE
I've three search in OR for ex
"order success"
"order failed"
"offer success"
based on the above 3 statement I can perform search but I want to show the result in as pie chart at per hour basis