I have multiple searches that follow a naming convention like "Server1_Monitoring", "Server2_Monitoring", and so on. I used an asterisk in the search name stanza to match all of them in the savedsearches.conf file, like:
I restarted the search head after the change, but it didn't work. Is there any way to avoid listing all the searches explicitly in savedsearches.conf?
Thank you!
The savedsearches.conf file defines your searches so for Splunk to know what each search is called, it must be explicitly named in the stanza. Wildcards won't work because the "*" represents a near-infinite set of search names.
The savedsearches.conf file defines your searches so for Splunk to know what each search is called, it must be explicitly named in the stanza. Wildcards won't work because the "*" represents a near-infinite set of search names.
as you have to be explicit whit stanza names, you could put all this saved searches into a dedicated app, and the set the ttl in the default stanza [default] for all searches in this app.
Thank you @richgalloway for your reply!
Since all of the monitoring searches are under my username, would you know a solution to set dispatch.ttl based on the username, not the search names? so all searches under my username would have dispatch.ttl=3p .
Write a script that uses the REST API to pull a list of saved searches, filters on your name, then updates them with the new TTL. See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.2.0/RESTREF/RESTsearch#saved.2Fsearches