What my search is trying to do is whenever the search matches an item in the lookup list it should display the results which I can turn into an alert. however, it is not working or displaying results and I cant figure out why
(index=cisco* OR index=proxy)
dest_ip="" OR domain=""
| rename dest_ip as emotet_ip
| rename domain as emotet_domain
| where
[| inputlookup emotet-lookup
| fields emotet_ip , emotet_domain]
| stats values(emotet_ip) as emotetIP, values(emotet_domain) as emotetDomain
thanks for answering -- however I ALWAYS have this this problem when i do it that way
Last 24 hours
Error in 'lookup' command: Must specify one or more lookup fields.
The search job has failed due to an error. You may be able view the job in the Job Inspector.
and it is specifying a field in the lookup table
Oh goodness, you are inputlookup'ing and smashing together data you can just 'lookup'.
(index=cisco* OR index=proxy) dest_ip="" OR domain=""
| rename dest_ip as emotet_ip
| rename domain as emotet_domain
| lookup emotet-lookup OUTPUT emotetDomain
That should match all matching fields up, and return emotetDomain from them. Simply and quickly.
i posted -- i always have an issue with your method.