I just added a time picker to one of my dashboards. One of the panels in this dashboard is showing "new" vulnerabilities, which is looking at any vulnerability where the "first_found" field is within a certain time range.
Previously, I just wanted to see anything first_found within the last 30 days so I used the below query. But now that I've added a time picker, I'm trying to find out how I can use the range selected in the time picker in my search?
So my search would be looking at anything first_found between dates selected in my time picker.
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
| eval n=relative_time(now(),"-30d@d") | eval n=strftime(n,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%QZ") | search first_found < n |
So to clarify, I need to use the time picker token in my search string, so that I am seeing events where the "first_found" field (which is a date) is within the date range specified by the time picker.
Edit the dashboard and click the magnifying glass icon to edit the search for the panel. Select "Shared Time Picker" from the Time Range dropdown. Save the changes.
It's already using the shared time picker but now I need to edit the search string so that it is using the range selected by the time picker for the first_found field in the events.