Splunk Enterprise Security

How to create a search for resting users and users changing their password

New Member

I'm trying to make a search that allows me to see users resting and changing their password. I have this SPL:

index=wineventlog  EventCode=4723 OR EventCode=4724
| eval Modifier = mvindex (Account_Name, 0)
| eval Member_Modified = mvindex (Account_Name, 1)
| eval Modifier_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 0)
| eval Modified_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 1)
| table _time, Modifier, Member_Modified, EventCode

This shows me all the changes of the event codes in my environment, I was wondering if there was a way to take away the users that have both a 4724 (reset) and then a 4723(changed) that way I can see what users still have to change their password after the reset.

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Ultra Champion
index=wineventlog EventCode=4723 OR EventCode=4724
| eval Modifier = mvindex (Account_Name, 0)
| eval Member_Modified = mvindex (Account_Name, 1)
| eval Modifier_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 0)
| eval Modified_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 1)
| stats latest(_time) as _time dc(EventCode) as flag values(EventCode) as EventCode by  Modifier Member_Modified
| where flag > 1

Do you need Modifier_Domain and Modifiered_Domain ?

0 Karma

New Member

@Tokawa that works to a point im trying to show users that do not change the password after the reset per policy i changed it to this but its still off a little.
index=wineventlog EventCode=4723 OR EventCode=4724
| eval Modifier = mvindex (Account_Name, 0)
| eval Member_Modified = mvindex (Account_Name, 1)
| eval secondsAgoStr=tostring(now() - _time, "duration")
| search Member_Modified="user*"
| stats latest(_time) as _time dc(EventCode) as flag values(EventCode) as EventCode by Member_Modified, secondsAgoStr
| dedup Member_Modified
| where flag !=2 AND EventCode!=4723

still not working 100% if trying to show a eventcode 4724 without the 4723 following it

0 Karma


Try this. It uses dedup to find the most recent event for each modification and then filters out the changed events, which should leave the reset events without a subsequent change event.

index=wineventlog EventCode=4723 OR EventCode=4724
| eval Modifier = mvindex (Account_Name, 0)
| eval Member_Modified = mvindex (Account_Name, 1)
| eval Modifier_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 0)
| eval Modified_Domain = mvindex (Account_Domain, 1)
| dedup Modified, Member_Modified
| where EventCode!=4723
| table _time, Modifier, Member_Modified, EventCode
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


don't use table in combination with base search with large event count. table is not a streaming command. use fields or a stats.

0 Karma
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