Installation instructions do not mention anything specific to using this Git Version Control for Splunk app in a Search Head cluster setup. Is that supported and if so are there any specific things to keep in mind?
Hi @FrankVl
Yes, this app will work on a SHC.
First, decide if you want to track changes on just one search head or if you want to track changes on all search heads. In theory all search heads should be the same so it is up to you if you want to track changes on all of them.
For any search heads where you are going to run this, you will need to manually SSH onto the box and run the git initalization commands.
If you are going to run on one search head, you need to put the app configuration into system/local/
If you are using multiple search heads you can push the app configuration from the SH deployer.
In both cases you will push the git_for_splunk app from the SH deployer as normal.
You might need to slightly alter the out-of-the-box dashboards.
All the best,
Hi @FrankVl
Yes, this app will work on a SHC.
First, decide if you want to track changes on just one search head or if you want to track changes on all search heads. In theory all search heads should be the same so it is up to you if you want to track changes on all of them.
For any search heads where you are going to run this, you will need to manually SSH onto the box and run the git initalization commands.
If you are going to run on one search head, you need to put the app configuration into system/local/
If you are using multiple search heads you can push the app configuration from the SH deployer.
In both cases you will push the git_for_splunk app from the SH deployer as normal.
You might need to slightly alter the out-of-the-box dashboards.
All the best,
Thanks for the quick response Chris. We'll give it a go in a test environment first anyway, but good to hear that it should work and thanks for the specific pointers.
Maybe asking the owner of the app might help. Try creating github issue here.