I want to create a search for the average time taken to close an incident in ES, after it closes from the time incident is opened.
Since my organization only works on weekdays, I would like to exclude time for any Saturday or Sunday from average time.
I found this link -https://answers.splunk.com/answers/684817/help-creating-a-table-that-shows-incident-review-m.html
But the search provided does not seem to be working.
I need the final output as - 3 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes
All help is greatly appriciated
I found the below search to give me the exact output -
| tstats summariesonly
earliest(_time) as _time from datamodel=Incident_Management.Notable_Events_Meta by source,Notable_Events_Meta.rule_id | drop_dm_object_name("Notable_Events_Meta")
| get_correlations
| get_current_status
| search status_label="Closed" | eval ttc=mvindex(review_time, 0) | eval ttc=ttc-_time | stats count avg(ttc) as avg_ttc,max(ttc) as max_ttc by rule_name | sort - avg_ttc | uptime2string(avg_ttc, avg_ttc)
| uptime2string(max_ttc, max_ttc)
| rename _ttc as (time_to_closure) | fields - *_dec
But I still am not sure how to exclude weekends from it.
@FrankVl It is something what you have done for
But in my case I would need final output like - 3 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, Can you please help?