I was curious, and was not able to find an answer online or here, if you are able to create custom eval subcommands.
What I mean by this are things like mvcount() or dc().
I have custom commands in a custom app using python now but rather than needing to call a whole new command I would like to do some of these in just an eval.
For example I made a macro that can convert a int of seconds into a human readable string to help display time deltas better. e.g 6234 would become "1 hour 43 minutes and 54 seconds". I would like to do something like:
| eval cleanTime = duration(seconds)
Rather than building a full custom command to do the following:
| duration outputfield=cleanTime seconds
I know the function's code are locked and are part of the source code but can I add to it?
There is no way to create custom eval
There is no way to create custom eval
Well thats too bad, at least that's a clear answer.
Thank you for the help.