We are trying to integrate the risk analysis framework in our incident response process.
We have developed a library of correlation searches where the results produce multiple objects upon which we need to assign risk, e.g. src, dest, users. When we and the "| sendalert risk" components to the correlation searches, notable events no longer generate and risk scores are NOT applied. When we run the searches as ad-hoc, the risk scores are properly assigned and the results appear as expected.
Can "| sendalert" not appear in a correlation search? The Risk Analysis Adaptive response action is not sufficient, as we can not dynamically set the risk tolerance, nor set risk against multiple objects with that action.
e.g: | eval risk_score=case(severity=="critical", 20, severity=="high", 15, severity=="medium", 10, severity=="low", 5
There are these examples in docs:
The appendpipe
option is pretty good, but that said multiple | sendalert
s should be supported as well - what version of ES are you on?
See https://answers.splunk.com/answers/594711/splunk-enterprise-security-how-can-i-configure-a-c.html and http://dev.splunk.com/view/enterprise-security/SP-CAAAFBD to learn how to add risk to multiple objects.
The approach here does not seem to work when it comes to a correlation search. Multiple | sendalerts work in ad-hoc, but not when run as part of a correlation search.
Just an update that we are waiting for a Splunk and ES upgrade to see if that fixes the issue. We'd like to be able to dynamically assign risk to multiple objects in a single correlation search.
Still can't seem to figure it out after upgrade. Is there anyway to reliably assign risk to multiple objects from a correlation search or a saved search? Or is the limit one?
I'm adding a score to several objects from one event from a saved search
I do this
| eval risk_object=mvappend(field_1."|system",field_2."|user",field_3."|user",field_4."|other")
| eval risk_score=1
| mvexpand risk_object
| eval x=split(risk_object, "|")
| eval risk_object=mvindex(x, 0, 0), risk_object_type=mvindex(x,1,1)
| fields - x
and then sendalert at the end, so for each event, I get 4 events.