Looking to integrate Splunk MINT into iOS and Android mobile apps. I see that there are native iOS and Android SDKs to plug in, but is there anything in java that can be used? We are writing the apps in java then exporting using phonegap to create the native APKs. Could build a plug in to phonegap to integrate the native splunk SDKs, but if it could be integrated into the java code this would be better?
Phonegap is not supported at this time.
Information on integration using the Javascript Library can be found here: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/MintSDKs/1.0/BugSenseSDKs/BugSenseSDKforHTML5
1.) Is there anything in java that can be used?
So you mean, not using the Android (Java) SDK ?
2.) Could build a plug in to phone gap?
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