I update an released app. When I install by local file on the portal and returned to the home page, the logo of my app was missing, so it is with the logo at the bar when I jumped into my app.
I found that if I restart the splunkd process and login again, the logo display well. I got confused with that.
Hi @Mr2022,
are you speaking of a custom app or one from Splunkbase?
if from Splunkbase, it's strange, which App are you speking?
anyway check the grants on the icon files contained in the app (in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/your_app/static).
If you're speaking of a custom app, did you follow the instructions to add a logo to your app (https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/developapps/createapps/#Add-icons-to-your-app)?
Hi gcusello,
Thanks for your reply. The app that I mentioned is one from Splunkbase.
My app names as 'Trend Micro Risk Insights for Splunk'.
Hi @Mr2022,
this app was developed by Trend Micro.
Check the owner and the rights of the files in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/your_app/static:
owner must be splunk and rights must be 644.
Hi gcusello,
I'll try to change the permissions of the logo png files later.