Hoping I'll be able to find an answer to this; any help is much appreciated.
I'm running a search and then populating a custom chart made with Google Charts.
I have no problems getting the results back from a search (as below), but is there a way of returning the field names from the search ? The reason for this is so I can apply these as axis titles (rather than manually set them). Hopefully this makes sense.
var mySearch = splunkjs.mvc.Components.getInstance("search3");
var datasource = mySearch.data('results', {count:0});
console.log("Rows: ", datasource.data().rows);
if you console.log(datasource.data()), you will see an array that contains the fields. So you can use this to also print out the fields:
var mySearch = splunkjs.mvc.Components.getInstance("search3");
var datasource = mySearch.data('results', {count:0});
console.log("Rows: ", datasource.data().rows);
console.log("Fields: ", datasource.data().fields);
if you console.log(datasource.data()), you will see an array that contains the fields. So you can use this to also print out the fields:
var mySearch = splunkjs.mvc.Components.getInstance("search3");
var datasource = mySearch.data('results', {count:0});
console.log("Rows: ", datasource.data().rows);
console.log("Fields: ", datasource.data().fields);
i tried using this to retrieve field header names so that i can put it on the a dropdown list. but i always keep on getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'rows' of undefined, which ID should I use? the ID for the search bar or the ID of the search manager? or am I lacking on js libraries?
here's my script
], function(
) {
// Create the search manager
var mysearch = new SearchManager({
id: "search1",
app: "search",
preview: true,
cache: true,
status_buckets: 300,
required_field_list: "*",
search: "index=_internal | head 100"
// Create the views
var mytimeline = new TimelineView ({
id: "timeline1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mytimeline1")
var mysearchbar = new SearchbarView ({
id: "searchbar1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mysearchbar1")
var mysearchcontrols = new SearchControlsView ({
id: "searchcontrols1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mysearchcontrols1")
var mytable = new TableView ({
id: "table1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mytable1")
// When the timeline changes, update the search manager
mytimeline.on("change", function() {
// When the query in the searchbar changes, update the search manager
mysearchbar.on("change", function() {
mysearch.settings.set("search", mysearchbar.val());
// When the timerange in the searchbar changes, update the search manager
mysearchbar.timerange.on("change", function() {
var searchRes = splunkjs.mvc.Components.getInstance("search1");
var datasource = searchRes.data('results', {count:});
console.log("Rows: ", datasource.data().rows);
console.log("Fields: ", datasource.data().fields);
Thanks, Tom.
That worked perfectly !