Splunk Dev

Python SDK example inputs.py not returning all inputs


I'm trying to do a little testing of our Splunk installation and I am looking at the Python SDK examples.  I've run the inputs.py script hoping it would get me a list of all the inputs defined in our inputs.conf but it only seems to return a small subset.  I don't see any logic as to why it is returning the subset it does.  I get about 30 records back from inputs.py. I expect well over 100.  

Running "splunk btool inputs list" gives me the set I expect, but I don't want to have to run this locally.  

Is there any rules or restrictions to the Python SDK API to get the list of inputs?  Maybe some options missing in the sample to get the defined inputs list?



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As an addendum,  the rest API returns the same results, which makes sense since I assume the SDK is just a wrapper for that.  ie, using:



curl https://splunk-dev1:8089/services/data/inputs/monitor



also only returns a small subset of my expected inputs.  And currently, the inputs I'm looking for are all "monitor" type of inputs. 


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