Splunk Dev

Is there an option to add text filter with different type of matching in dashboard?

Path Finder

Hi colleagues,

Is there option to add text filter with different type of matching, like it is in Excel (containts, doesnt contain, begginig with, end with, etc.) to dashboard.



0 Karma
1 Solution




In classic dashboards, you can use form inputs combined with the where command:

<form version="1.1">
  <fieldset submitButton="true">
    <input type="dropdown" token="filter_tok">
      <choice value="eq">Equals</choice>
      <choice value="ne">Does Not Equal</choice>
      <choice value="co">Contains</choice>
      <choice value="nc">Does Not Contain</choice>
      <choice value="bw">Begins With</choice>
      <choice value="ew">Ends With</choice>
      <choice value="li">Length is</choice>
      <choice value="lg">Length is greater than</choice>
      <choice value="ll">Length is less than</choice>
      <choice value="nb">Does Not Begin With</choice>
      <choice value="nw">Does Not End With</choice>
    <input type="text" token="field_tok">
    <input type="text" token="value_tok">
    <input type="time" token="time_tok">
``` assign value_tok to field to prevent errors in tonumber() when parsing literals ```
| eval _value_tok="$value_tok$" 
| where coalesce(
    "$filter_tok$"=="eq", '$field_tok$'==_value_tok,
    "$filter_tok$"=="ne", '$field_tok$'!=_value_tok,
    "$filter_tok$"=="co", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nc", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="bw", like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="ew", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok),
    "$filter_tok$"=="li", len('$field_tok$')==coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "$filter_tok$"=="lg", len('$field_tok$')&gt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), 9223372036854775807),
    "$filter_tok$"=="ll", len('$field_tok$')&lt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nb", NOT like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nw", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok)
        <option name="list.drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>

The logic is embedded in the case() function. For example, "host" "Begins With" "spl" is translated to the following search:

``` assign value_tok to field to prevent errors in tonumber() when parsing literals ```
| eval _value_tok="spl" 
| where coalesce(
    "bw"=="eq", 'host'==_value_tok,
    "bw"=="ne", 'host'!=_value_tok,
    "bw"=="co", like('host', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="nc", NOT like('host', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="bw", like('host', _value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="ew", like('host', "%"._value_tok),
    "bw"=="li", len('host')==coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "bw"=="lg", len('host')>coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), 9223372036854775807),
    "bw"=="ll", len('host')<coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "bw"=="nb", NOT like('host', _value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="nw", NOT like('host', "%"._value_tok)

The tonumber() function returns NULL if a field value is not a number but returns an error if a literal value is not a number. To prevent search errors, I've assigned the field value token, value_tok, to a new field, _value_tok. If this field name conflicts with a field name in your events, you can change the name and update the where command.

View solution in original post




In classic dashboards, you can use form inputs combined with the where command:

<form version="1.1">
  <fieldset submitButton="true">
    <input type="dropdown" token="filter_tok">
      <choice value="eq">Equals</choice>
      <choice value="ne">Does Not Equal</choice>
      <choice value="co">Contains</choice>
      <choice value="nc">Does Not Contain</choice>
      <choice value="bw">Begins With</choice>
      <choice value="ew">Ends With</choice>
      <choice value="li">Length is</choice>
      <choice value="lg">Length is greater than</choice>
      <choice value="ll">Length is less than</choice>
      <choice value="nb">Does Not Begin With</choice>
      <choice value="nw">Does Not End With</choice>
    <input type="text" token="field_tok">
    <input type="text" token="value_tok">
    <input type="time" token="time_tok">
``` assign value_tok to field to prevent errors in tonumber() when parsing literals ```
| eval _value_tok="$value_tok$" 
| where coalesce(
    "$filter_tok$"=="eq", '$field_tok$'==_value_tok,
    "$filter_tok$"=="ne", '$field_tok$'!=_value_tok,
    "$filter_tok$"=="co", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nc", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="bw", like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="ew", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok),
    "$filter_tok$"=="li", len('$field_tok$')==coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "$filter_tok$"=="lg", len('$field_tok$')&gt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), 9223372036854775807),
    "$filter_tok$"=="ll", len('$field_tok$')&lt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nb", NOT like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
    "$filter_tok$"=="nw", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok)
        <option name="list.drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>

The logic is embedded in the case() function. For example, "host" "Begins With" "spl" is translated to the following search:

``` assign value_tok to field to prevent errors in tonumber() when parsing literals ```
| eval _value_tok="spl" 
| where coalesce(
    "bw"=="eq", 'host'==_value_tok,
    "bw"=="ne", 'host'!=_value_tok,
    "bw"=="co", like('host', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="nc", NOT like('host', "%"._value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="bw", like('host', _value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="ew", like('host', "%"._value_tok),
    "bw"=="li", len('host')==coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "bw"=="lg", len('host')>coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), 9223372036854775807),
    "bw"=="ll", len('host')<coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
    "bw"=="nb", NOT like('host', _value_tok."%"),
    "bw"=="nw", NOT like('host', "%"._value_tok)

The tonumber() function returns NULL if a field value is not a number but returns an error if a literal value is not a number. To prevent search errors, I've assigned the field value token, value_tok, to a new field, _value_tok. If this field name conflicts with a field name in your events, you can change the name and update the where command.


You're sooooo overcomplicating it 😉

Tokens are just inserted in the apropriate placeholders. Use it.

<form version="1.1" theme="dark">
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="cond">
<choice value="&gt;">greater than</choice>
<choice value="&lt;">lower than</choice>
<query>| tstats count where index=* by sourcetype
| where count $cond$ 10</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>


0 Karma



Indeed! But my goal was to be explanatory, not clever. 😉 There may be other requirements to meet with respect to Excel-like (or non-Excel-like) comparisons, input validation, etc. If I were coding "greater than" and "[less] than," for example, I'd want to know if the comparison was lexical or numerical? If lexical, what collation should be used? And so on....

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi @tscroggins ,

It is so perfect and simple(since it was invented by somebody😊). Thank you very much!

I have adjusted it a bit to fit to my case, because have faced "waiting for input"  in my table. 

<set token="field_tok"></set>
<set token="value_tok"></set>
<input type="dropdown" token="filter_tok" >
<choice value="eq">Equals</choice>
<choice value="ne">Does Not Equal</choice>
<choice value="co">Contains</choice>
<choice value="nc">Does Not Contain</choice>
<choice value="bw">Begins With</choice>
<choice value="ew">Ends With</choice>
<choice value="li">Length is</choice>
<choice value="lg">Length is greater than</choice>
<choice value="ll">Length is less than</choice>
<choice value="nb">Does Not Begin With</choice>
<choice value="nw">Does Not End With</choice>
<choice value="ps">Pls select</choice>
<default>Pls select</default>


     | where coalesce(
"$filter_tok$"=="eq", '$field_tok$'==_value_tok,
"$filter_tok$"=="ne", '$field_tok$'!=_value_tok,
"$filter_tok$"=="co", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
"$filter_tok$"=="nc", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok."%"),
"$filter_tok$"=="bw", like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
"$filter_tok$"=="ew", like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok),
"$filter_tok$"=="li", len('$field_tok$')==coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
"$filter_tok$"=="lg", len('$field_tok$')&gt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), 9223372036854775807),
"$filter_tok$"=="ll", len('$field_tok$')&lt;coalesce(tonumber(trim(_value_tok)), -1),
"$filter_tok$"=="nb", NOT like('$field_tok$', _value_tok."%"),
"$filter_tok$"=="nw", NOT like('$field_tok$', "%"._value_tok),
"$filter_tok$"=="ps", (1==1)


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