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Is it possible to use Python (or other languages) to get logs that originated from specific hosts?



Is it possible to use Python (or other languages) to get logs that originated from specific hosts?

For example, search for a list of hosts and return the logs that were ingested during a specific date range.

Thanks !   

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Super Champion

Hello , if its a dynamic list of hosts you could create a lookup table for hosts using settings » Lookups » Lookup table files » New Table Lookup File.

and use below search 

index=<your_index> [inputlookup hosts.csv | table host ]
Select date range on the top right side of the search bar to get the appropriate results.
let me know if this helps!


The SPL for that would look something like this.

index=foo earliest=bar latest=baz [ 
  <<your search for a list of hosts>>
  | field host 
  | format

Crafting that in Python (or other languages) is an exercise left to the reader.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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