Splunk Dev

How to login into splunk instance with admin user credentials via javascript sdk , what are the prerequisites we need

Path Finder

Hi All ,

I am trying to login into splunk instance  with javascript sdk  credentials but it is not working well.

var http = new splunkjs.ProxyHttp("/proxy");

        // Create a Service instance and log in 
        var service = new splunkjs.Service(http, {
            username: "admin",
            password: "yourpassword",
            scheme: "https",
            host: "localhost",

        // Verify we logged in

        // Print installed apps to the console to verify login
        service.apps().fetch(function(err, apps) {
            if (err) {
                alert("Error listing apps");

            var myapps = "";
            var appsList = apps.list();
            for(var i = 0; i < appsList.length; i++) {
                myapps += "App " + i + ": " + appsList[i].name + "<br/>"





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Path Finder

I am able to run one shot searches but it is taking auto login , but it should take admin credentials only.

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