When I checked the plugin using Splunk AppInspect before submitting it, I reported the following error:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: bearer REDACTED' --url 'https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/validate/status/2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176'
"request_id": "2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176",
"links": [
"href": "/v1/app/validate/status/2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176",
"rel": "self"
"href": "/v1/app/report/2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176",
"rel": "report"
"status": "ERROR"
How can i resolve it
Consider using the CLI version of AppInspect to validate your app. See https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/developapps/testvalidate/appinspect/useappinspectclitool for details.
I used the curl command to obtain the report, but there is no valid information in the report, as follows:
{ "message": "The request 2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176 has not completed successfully", "appId": "2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176" }
I also used the AppInspect plugin in the Splunk platform for inspection work, but the response has been a timeout, as follows:
Request timeout.
How should I handle these issues and complete my plugin inspection work
Consider using the CLI version of AppInspect to validate your app. See https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/developapps/testvalidate/appinspect/useappinspectclitool for details.
This is helpful to me. By the way, there are three situations reported during the review process: pass, fail, and skip. I would like to ask if I pay attention to the skipped files, and if I can fix all the failed situations to meet the requirements for publishing to the application market?
You may ignore the skipped checks because they do not apply to your app.
You MUST fix the failed checks.
Last Last question, I can use the CLI version of AppInspect to validate my app, Is the verification method the same for add-on mode and cloud mode. Because my app is based on the add-on mode, some of the detected results may only have cloud mode configurations.
Best Regard
The CLI version of AppInspect has switches that let you specify if cloud checks should be performed or not (among other things).
Thanks for you help! I hope my plugin can be submitted smoothly~ 😚
I did follow your suggestion, but there is no valid information in the report, as follows:
{ "message": "The request 2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176 has not completed successfully", "appId": "2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176" }
I have also checked using the AppInspect plugin on the Splunk platform, but it has always been a timeout error, as follows:
Request timeout.
How should I solve any of these errors and complete my plugin review work?
I urgently need to understand the review process and proceed with my plugin review work. I hope you can help me solve this problem
Use curl to download the referenced report where you will see the results of the AppInspect checks.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: bearer REDACTED' --url 'https://appinspect.splunk.com/v1/app/report/2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176'
Thanks for you reply. I did follow your suggestion, but there is no valid information in the report, as follows:
{ "message": "The request 2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176 has not completed successfully", "appId": "2a201454-38d8-4859-87f6-d15811316176" }
However, when I used the AppInspect plugin for review on the Splunk platform, I always received a timeout prompt.As follows:
"Request timeout."
I urgently need to understand the review process and proceed with my plugin review work. I hope you can help me solve this problem.