I have different server running the same process. I like to count the "ERROR" in the logfile and the color of the graph should change depending on the number of errors. Like 0 to 2 error = green, 3 to 10 error yellow and above 11 error red. How can I realize this in a report.
My search is
index="Index_name" SEARCHSTRING |stats count by host
What I have to add, the the color of an host changes if the number of SEARCHSTRING is like written above.
Thx for your help.
Hey which version of Splunk you are using?
There is a formatting option available in newer version of splunk
Click on the Paint symbol>>Color>>Select Ranges
and then specify ranges and give appropriate color.
let me know if this helps!
this only works on tables. I need it for a graph. I want, that the graph changes its color depending on the count. Just like in the table.
Sorry, I forgot my Version. It is 7.0.2
which graph you are using ?
have you look at this two answers?
Here is how
Create a new variable for each color of bar that you want: redCount, yellowCount, greenCount - for example
Assign the count value to the appropriate variable
Create a stacked column chart (or a stacked bar chart if you want it horizontally)
Put the chart in a dashboard, so that you can set the color attributes for the bars
Here is a simple XML example of the code snippet for a chart that should work:
<searchString>index="Index_name" SEARCHSTRING |stats count by host
| eval redCount = if(count>=11,count,0)
| eval yellowCount = if(count<=3 AND count>=10,count,0)
| eval greenCount = if(count<=2, count, 0)
| fields - count</searchString>
<title>Server Errors by Host - Last 24 hours</title>
<option name="charting.chart">column</option>
<option name="charting.chart.stackMode">stacked</option>
<option name="charting.fieldColors">{"redCount":0xFF0000,"yellowCount":0xFFFF00, "greenCount":0x73A550}</option>
<option name="charting.legend.placement">none</option>
<option name="charting.legend.placement">none</option>
<option name="charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation">90</option>
Note that the last option sets the X-axis labels to print vertically on the column chart. If you prefer, you could set the charting.chart option to "bar" and then eliminate the option for charting.axisLabelsX.majorLabelStyle.rotation
Hello mayurr98,
that helped. Thank you very much. I have to change the "<" and ">" to "<" and ">" but after that it works. Really great.