index=myindex FruitType="Apple" OR FruitType="Banana" AND ( FaultCode="201")|stats count by FaultCode,FruitType
Fault Code FruitType Count
201 Apple 2
201 Banana 3
202 Apple 6
is there any way I can give meaningful name to Fault Code in adjacent column name as "FaultType" and display those FaulType next to each FaultCode such as:
Fault Code Fault Type FruitType Count
201 Small size Apple 2
201 Small size Banana 3
202 Decay Apple 6
Appreciate your feedback and suggestion on this.
you could create a lookup for each code and input it, as @davebrooking says in the comments. If there are only a few codes, you could create an eval statement. I wouldn't recommend that for a lot of codes, only because it could get very long, though you could put it in a macro and use it in other searches as well.
|eval FaultType=case(FaultCode="201","Small Size",FaultCode="202","Decay")
you could create a lookup for each code and input it, as @davebrooking says in the comments. If there are only a few codes, you could create an eval statement. I wouldn't recommend that for a lot of codes, only because it could get very long, though you could put it in a macro and use it in other searches as well.
|eval FaultType=case(FaultCode="201","Small Size",FaultCode="202","Decay")
Thank you very much. your valued suggestion works for me .
Much appreciated 🙂