This seems super dumb, but I've been fiddling with this for an embarrassingly long time now. It's been a couple of years since I've written any sub-searches.
I'm attempting to project data from the subqueries into a summary table (all from the same root search results)
This is running on splunk cloud under a trial license.
See dumbed down queries belong.
Happily returns a result:
| search index=xxx admintom | stats count as x | table x
| table x
Format returns nothing (`format` shows `NOT()`)
[ search index=xxx admintom | stats count as x | table x ]
| table x
Your search which has the subsearch is doing
a) count the occurrence of 'adminton' in index=xxx
b) pass the result of that query as a search constraint to the outer search
i.e. if we assume the subsearch has run, your outer search is doing
index=xxx x=48
| table x
don't really understand what you're trying to do though, but I suspect that's not it?