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Hi, I need help as I'm new to Splunk and was assigned this role by a resigned administrator. I need to find out the expiration date of our Splunk Cloud license.
I can't access the menu: Settings > System > Permissions (I've checked the assigned user's capabilities but there are no permissions for license_edit, license_read, license_tab, or license_view_warnings).
Is it possible that there's a license manager somewhere on-premise since we're using Heavy Forwarder and Deployment Server?
Please advise on what I can do if I can't contact the previous administrator.
What information should I gather beforehand to be ready to open a Support Ticket?
I apologize if I've misunderstood anything.
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I found that I need a Splunk cloud account (a member of Cloud Stack/Instances) to access the data, which the user I previously had did not have. However, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in helping me this time.
I’m grateful for your mentorship.
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I found that I need a Splunk cloud account (a member of Cloud Stack/Instances) to access the data, which the user I previously had did not have. However, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in helping me this time.
I’m grateful for your mentorship.
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Contact your Splunk account team for information about your Splunk Cloud license. They also can help ensure you have entitlement to submit support cases.
If you're running heavy forwarders and a DS then you have an on-prem LM (perhaps shared with the DS). However, I would not expect the expiration date of that license to match the expiration date of the Splunk Cloud license (it's possible, but not guaranteed).
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
I am working on Splunk account.
In the scenario you mentioned about "pherhaps shared with the DS", I've checked directly on the DS under Settings > SYSTEM > Licensing and found the values to be default (expire: 2038). Is this the same license you're referring to? If not, could you please point me to the specific location or configuration file that references the LM I should be looking for?
Thanks again!
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The default (trial) Splunk license expires after 60 days so would not have a 2038 expiration date.
The free license, which is what the trial license becomes after the trial ends, has a 2038 expiration date, but also has a number of limitations, including preventing an instance from functioning as a heavy forwarder or deployment server. Also, the Settings->Licensing screen should clearly say "Free license".
Again, your Splunk account team is your best source of answers about your licenses.
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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HFs typically run with the forwarder license. It doesn't allow local indexing and I suppose it might be time-unlimited. For DS there can be that funky "no ingest volume" license meant for running such on-prem components when you're flying Cloud.
And they indeed might not have anything to do with the Cloud license in terms of expiration date.