We have an issue where we created a default frozen folder instead of frozen for each index, now we have some data in our frozen folder and we want to resotre it back to searchable data. how can i identify the index name of that data or if i cant identify the index name how to restore it to a random index.
Frozen data does not know from which index it came so it doesn't matter where you restore it. Consider creating a "thawddata" index for it. Of course, users will have to search that index as well as any live indexes.
On the other hand - if you don't know which buckets come from which index... well, that's too bad. You're most probably gonna restore data from several indexes into a single one. As @richgalloway said - frozen buckets (actually any buckets) don't have anything _inside_ them that would indicate which index they are from. It's where they are placed that decides which index they belong to.