Splunk Cloud Platform

How to install add-on from file to Splunk Cloud free trial?

New Member

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 Hi! I have a tgz-file with Splunk add-on developed by my coworkers. I created a trial instance of Splunk Cloud and would like to install (upload) this add-on from the file with the intention to make some modifications for my POC. Unfortunately, I can't locate a place to install or upload a new add-on (see the screenshot in attachment). Please help me find it. 

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New Member

I don't see Upload Apps, like mentioned here (see the screenshot above) 

I'm curious. Is it because (1) I have a trial version and it's not possible, or (2) it's hidden somewhere? If it's (2), then I'd appreciate the instructions.

Also, I'm curious in order to run validation via curl, you need to get the token. However, when I run this

curl --user my_name:my_password -X GET https://prd-p-j8pfr.splunkcloud.com/2.0/rest/login/splunk  

I receive this

<!doctype html><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=https://prd-p-j8pfr.splunkcloud.com/en-US/2.0/rest/login/splunk"><title>303 See Other</title></head><body><h1>See Other</h1><p>The resource has moved temporarily <a href="https://prd-p-j8pfr.splunkcloud.com/en-US/2.0/rest/login/splunk">here</a>.</p></body></html>

What do I do wrong? What is your request to get the token and run the validation?

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New Member

I did validate using aplunk-appinspect cli but what should I click to upload the package and the validation results? I don't see anything in the Splunk Cloud UI.

khanoh@COH-RJVXQJPQL9 ~ % splunk-appinspect inspect /Users/khanoh/Downloads/TA-coh-splunk-add-on_1_0_0_export.tgz


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I'm not sure if there are other ways, but I've only used CURL to submit an package for cloud vetting.


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You have to have the app validated before it can be installed on Splunk Cloud. 


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