So I'm trying to install an app on Splunk Cloud and it went through the checks and it failed due to the following error:
Detected an outdated version of the Splunk SDK for Python (1.6.15). Please upgrade to version 1.6.16 or later. File: bin/splunklib/
Does anyone know how to upgrade the Splunk SDK for Python on Splunk Cloud?
Each app that uses the SDK has a bin/splunklib directory in it. That check makes sure the version of splunklib is current. If it isn't, find a more recent version of the app with a newer splunklib or update the SDK in the app yourself then re-upload it.
How would I go about updating the SKD in the app if you don't mind me asking?
I usually copy the splunklib directory from another app that has a more-recent version.
Hi Rich,
Thanks for replying, sorry I'm a newbie but how do you access the splunklib on another app?
Download app "foo" and expand the tarball. Go to foo/bin then cp splunklib ../../myapp/bin. In some apps, splunklib may be under foo/lib.
you could found the current version from GitHub
r. Ismo