Splunk AppDynamics

Analytics Agent Not starting: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind



We are instrumenting .Net application. To enable the Analytics we are Installing the Standalone Java Machine agent.

I have installed the Standalone Machine agent on  .Net application server with disabling native machine agent of .Net agent. The machine agent started and reporting SIM metrics properly, but Analytics-agent thrown an exception and stopped.

[2017-07-11T13:10:56,184+05:30] [ERROR] [system-thread-0] [c.a.common.framework.util.SimpleApp] [analytics-agent] failed

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind

Any suggestions?

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0 Karma


Hi Abhijeet,

Can you cross check if the port 9090 of the analytic agent is being used by some other process in your system by using the following command

1. Open cmd with "Run as Administrator"

2. netstat -ano | findstr 9090

if the output of above step (2) shows any other process using it, then please stop the process and try to start the analytic agent again by clearing the below pid file from the below location and then verify if it starts up or not.



Mohammed Rayan

0 Karma



Do you want to say port 9080 ? 

As below command with 9090 not giving any output. But with port 9080 it shows the PID of same machine agent on which we are trying to run Analytics extension.

Yes, I have restarted the machine agent after clearing the PID. But it gives the same results. 



0 Karma


Hi Abhijeet,

I meant the correct port 9090 which is the default one, the analytic agent uses.

Port 9080 is the events-service port.

How are you starting this analytic agent. is it via the Machine agent or individually?

Can you try starting it like below and see if it helps

To start the agent service from the command line:

bin\analytics-agent.exe service-start




Mohammed Rayan

0 Karma


Hi Mohammed,

The port 9090 is not used on this application server.

I am starting the analytics agent using Machine agent. 

As suggested, I have stopped the machine agent and starting analytics agent but still its not starting as it not able to get java runtime environment though I have configured the JAVA_HOME path to our jre folder in Machine agent folder.

I cant start analytics agent separately. 



0 Karma


Hi Abhijeet,

Thanks and it looks to be a permission problem to me.

can you  use echo %JAVA_HOME%  and echo %PATH% to see if the JAVA_HOME & PATH are set correctly and then try  starting it manually after clearing the pid file and verify.


Mohammed Rayan

0 Karma
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