IF one wanted to add static highlighted text to the top of every page in their app... how would they go about doing this?
You can't add content with CSS...
I would want some static text centered just above the appHeaderWrapper... across the app.
TIA, Kirby
Aside from the CSS answer given, the only way i know of is to convert your views to advanced XML, put a ServerSideInclude module at the top of each advanced XML view (right under the view tag).
and you put that file at
NOTE: the file extension is a little misleading but it doesnt have to be a full HTML document - the file can just be an HTML fragment like:
<b>System Downtime Upcoming: 5/19/2010 @8pm-9pm</b>
It might pretty easy for us to add something like this in a future release though.
Since we already have a global message queue on splunkd, and the UI already gets messages out of that stack, the hard parts are already done. Would it be acceptable for you if you set this message via the CLI? What kinds of things are you looking to put up there?
Aside from the CSS answer given, the only way i know of is to convert your views to advanced XML, put a ServerSideInclude module at the top of each advanced XML view (right under the view tag).
and you put that file at
NOTE: the file extension is a little misleading but it doesnt have to be a full HTML document - the file can just be an HTML fragment like:
<b>System Downtime Upcoming: 5/19/2010 @8pm-9pm</b>
It might pretty easy for us to add something like this in a future release though.
Since we already have a global message queue on splunkd, and the UI already gets messages out of that stack, the hard parts are already done. Would it be acceptable for you if you set this message via the CLI? What kinds of things are you looking to put up there?
That's another quick way to do it. We generally dont recommend touching the actual template files because we'll blow them away when you upgrade. (And of course we're trying to get to where apps can package their own template files and have things still work out sensibly. )
i created my own dashboard.html 🙂 feels like a stupid question now.
.appHeaderWrapper:before {
content: "My static text..";
I don't think the CSS thing is the way to go. Is there some template that i could put in my app that would add this globally? something i could add a div to?
it also seems to push down alignment. doing a #TitleBar_0_0_0:before will put it below the app header but doesn't show on every page ...
i'd like to add that this is an accessibility bad practice. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2851410/persistant-header-of-text-css-in-a-div
If anyone knows of a better way .. please do tell.