I installed splunk on a centos 8 machin
firewall-cmd allowed port 8000, 8089, 80, 443, 9997 etc.
i can login to splunk web interface and (ip of installation machine)
every things works fine inside installation machine, and i am collecting logs from all the network machines,
when i try to login remotely from another windows machine by it dosent work and connection timeout
i tried to remotely telnet to port 8000 but connection time out
i can ping the splunk machine and every thing seems fine,
i stopped fiewalld service but nothing changed
i added allowRemoteLogin=always to server.conf and restarted splunk and nothing changed
why i cannont login to splunk web interface from another machine????
this sounds like FW issue. Are those machines same or different subnet? If different then there must be FW openings between those subnets.
r. Ismo
this sounds like FW issue. Are those machines same or different subnet? If different then there must be FW openings between those subnets.
r. Ismo
both machines are in the same subnet: server) and
thanks to your tip problem solved:
it was NETWORK FIREWALL RULES that denying connection between this two machine, i talk to network administrator and he allowd trrafic on port 8000 and now everything works fine
i really appreciate your help