
Why is _internal index is disabled?

Path Finder

I want to enable the _internal index but cant from UI.

Authorize.conf (etc\search\local) is also attached and has _internal index added in srchIndexesDefault for both Admin and User roles.

I have admin role.

deleteIndexesAllowed = *;main
indexes_edit = enabled
srchMaxTime = 8640000

rtsearch = disabled
schedule_rtsearch = disabled
srchMaxTime = 8640000
srchTimeWin = 0

cumulativeRTSrchJobsQuota = 0
cumulativeSrchJobsQuota = 0
rtSrchJobsQuota = 0
srchDiskQuota = 0
srchIndexesAllowed = *
srchIndexesDefault = main
srchJobsQuota = 0
srchMaxTime = 0

admin_all_objects = disabled
edit_modinput_web_ping = disabled
grantableRoles = admin
importRoles = can_delete;power;user
indexes_edit = disabled
schedule_rtsearch = disabled
srchIndexesAllowed = *;gb_bed_app_dev;gb_bed_app_qa;gb_bed_iis_dev;gb_bed_iis_prod;gb_bed_iis_qa;main;main_uat;prod_sharepoint_iis;tam;uat_sharepoint_iis
srchIndexesDefault = *;_*;aem;aem_test;apac;appserver;aws_bdl_dev;aws_haproxy_dev;aws_haproxy_prd;aws_haproxy_stg;casd_2018;gb_bed_app_dev;gb_bed_app_et2;gb_bed_app_log;gb_bed_app_prod;gb_bed_app_qa;gb_bed_app_uat;gb_bed_ihs_uat;gb_bed_iis_dev;gb_bed_iis_prod;gb_bed_iis_qa;gb_bed_iis_uat;gb_exe_app_et2_uat;haproxy_test;jenkins;jenkins_artifact;jenkins_console;jenkins_statistics;la_fkl_app_dev_ohs;la_fkl_app_prod_ohs;main;main_uat;marsh-aws-dev;marsh_aws_apigee_dev;marsh_aws_apigee_prod;marsh_aws_apigee_stg;marsh_aws_dev;marsh_aws_prd;marsh_aws_stg;marsh_aws_tableau_dev;marsh_onprem_dev_qa;marsh_onprem_dr;marsh_onprem_perf_uat;marsh_onprem_prod;ping;prod_sharepoint_iis;summary;tam;uat_sharepoint_iis;us_dfw_apigee_dev;us_dfw_apigee_prod;us_dfw_apigee_stg;us_dfw_app_prod_access;us_dfw_app_prod_apigee;us_dfw_dbint_prod_postgres;us_dfw_etl_prod;us_dfw_prod_app_csvaudit;us_dfw_prod_webext_ping;us_dfw_prod_webint_ping;us_dfw_springboot_stg;us_dfw_webext_aws_dev;us_dfw_webext_aws_prod;us_dfw_webext_dev_devops;us_dfw_webext_prod_devops;us_dfw_webext_prod_tam;us_dfw_webext_prod_temp;us_dfw_webext_stg_devops;us_dfw_webint_dev_devops;us_dfw_webint_prod;us_dfw_webint_prod_access;us_dfw_webint_prod_devops;us_dfw_webint_prod_haproxy;us_dfw_webint_prod_tam;us_micredit_cloud_web_prod_iis;webserver;wineventlog;_internal
srchMaxTime = 8640000

admin_all_objects = enabled
rtsearch = enabled
srchIndexesAllowed = *;gb_bed_app_dev;gb_bed_app_et2;gb_bed_app_log;gb_bed_app_qa;gb_bed_iis_dev;gb_bed_iis_prod;gb_bed_iis_qa;gb_bed_iis_uat;main;prod_sharepoint_iis;tam;uat_sharepoint_iis
srchIndexesDefault = *;gb_bed_app_dev;gb_bed_app_et2;gb_bed_app_log;gb_bed_app_qa;gb_bed_iis_dev;gb_bed_iis_prod;gb_bed_iis_qa;gb_bed_iis_uat;main;prod_sharepoint_iis;tam;uat_sharepoint_iis;us_dfw_prod_velocity_log4j;us_dfw_uat_velocity_log4j;us_urb_prod_web_access;_internal
srchMaxTime = 8640000
0 Karma
1 Solution


srchIndexesAllowed doesn't have your index you're looking for. You only have it under srchIndexesDefault unless the forum treated some of your paste as markup.

View solution in original post


srchIndexesAllowed doesn't have your index you're looking for. You only have it under srchIndexesDefault unless the forum treated some of your paste as markup.

Path Finder

I have added capability to Edit Index to my role and also added _internal index name in defaultsearch and searchindexes allowed.

_internal index is now searchable.

Thank you all

0 Karma


Can you accept my answer if it helped?

0 Karma


Has anything on the system recently been restored from backup? Was _internal disabled manually or by Splunk itself? You can look for something like this in splunkd.log that can help tell you where the problem is:

06-20-2019 23:06:05.513 +0000 ERROR IndexProcessor - One or more indexes could not be initialized and were automatically disabled, please see splunkd.log for more details

06-20-2019 23:06:05.512 +0000 ERROR IndexProcessor - caught exception for index=_internal during initialzation: 'Splunk has detected that a directory has been manually copied into its database, causing id conflicts [/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_internaldb/db/hot_v1_1, /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_internaldb/db/db_1307563383_1307490866_1].'.Disabling the index, please fix-up and run splunk enable index

If this is the case, Splunk would need to be stopped, bucket collisions remedied, indexes reenabled, and then restarted. A good answer on this can be found here:

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Well, that is indexed in the _internal index, which is disabled. May have to use grep on the filesystem there...

0 Karma

grep ERROR $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log
0 Karma
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