
Seeing errors related to Unix (*NIX) app's

Path Finder

Anyone know what this is? When I run the script manually, I do not get any errors. But I'm seeing current and regular errors when looking at the "_internal" index for "ERROR" log_level.

"could not lookup DNS configuration info service: (ipc/send) invalid destination port"

That's the error message... pretty much 2 every minute.

Anyone know what this is and how to stop it. I don't know what this may be affecting in the reports, etc. But things seem to work. Not entirely sure. But I don't like seeing errors in stuff.

Thanks, -Alex

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New Member

Did anyone move past this? I'm on Mac OSX Server 10.6.8 and having the same exact problem as described above.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Alex, please file a support issue, and provide the following information:

  • UNIX flavor (little birdie tells me it's Mac OS X), and version (on Mac, find with sw_vers).
  • does error happen if you run script in background? in background in a loop? I.e., for dummy in /usr/bin/*; do /v-p4/current/cfg/bundles/unix/bin/; done &
  • run script with --debug option; a file like will appear in directory where script is found. Please attach this file.
  • tell them to assign issue to Vainstein

Thank you.

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