I am currently doing my splunk fundamentals (eLearning) . I was not able to finish it ahead of time due to some time constraints with my primary job. now I have received that my elarning is about to expire in about 2 days. I was wondering if I finish my eLearning and request for the certification test before the expiration, will I still be able to take it even though it takes 2-3 days for them to process my request ? Thank you for taking your time and reading my question and I appreciate for any feedback that you can give me about this matter.
yes once the e-learning is done you need to complete the Quiz and request for the certification before expiration, then you will get the email with link for exam after 2-3 business days. you just need to complete the quiz before the expiration its not mandatory that you need to receive the exam link before the e-learning expiration.