We had to run in legacy mode appServerPorts = 0 in order to log in. Not sure why since we are running 6.2 but it has solved our issues.
We had to run in legacy mode appServerPorts = 0 in order to log in. Not sure why since we are running 6.2 but it has solved our issues.
If I clear the server cache i can login. If I ctrl R to reload all web page content I get a blank page with the following errors:
SyntaxError: unterminated comment i18n.js:151
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal accountpage.js:6
ReferenceError: gettext is not defined login:134
Hi crahimi,
did you check this answer http://answers.splunk.com/answers/137114/adblock-and-splunkweb.html ?
cheers, MuS