I need to extract Json elements wrapped in the XML node. For example, in the below code, i want to extract the json elements ServiceName, messageBody, environment, documentID.`
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@besa0903, following is a run anywhere search based on sample data:
| makeresults
| eval _raw=" <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<PartnerName />
<PartnerID />
<ConversationID />
<DocumentID />
<MessageBody><![CDATA[{ \"value_schema_id\":1070, \"records\":[ { \"value\":{ \"environment\":\"nonProd\", \"system\":\"DataInsights-LayersAPII\", \"serviceName\":\"ACS2-Pricing\", \"messageDateTime\":2017914103820, \"transactionMessageID\":\"7147051835464951\", \"systemMessageID\":\"5334091380487482\", \"partnerName\":\"PartnerName\", \"partnerID\":\"PartnerId\", \"conversationID\":\"sdfsdf\", \"documentID\":\"46051784092251646\", \"logType\":\"response\", \"messageBody\":\"This is the message body\" }} ]}]]></MessageBody>
| spath
| fields "MessageViewer.MessageBody"
| eval _raw= 'MessageViewer.MessageBody'
| fields - "MessageViewer.MessageBody"
| spath
This is a simple approach for example. You can read about the spath command and apply it to specific input and extract the fields you are interested in.
However, if you are only interested in JSON data, you can also think about indexing only JSON data within XML or may be re routing JSON Data using props.conf and transforms.conf.
@besa0903, following is a run anywhere search based on sample data:
| makeresults
| eval _raw=" <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<PartnerName />
<PartnerID />
<ConversationID />
<DocumentID />
<MessageBody><![CDATA[{ \"value_schema_id\":1070, \"records\":[ { \"value\":{ \"environment\":\"nonProd\", \"system\":\"DataInsights-LayersAPII\", \"serviceName\":\"ACS2-Pricing\", \"messageDateTime\":2017914103820, \"transactionMessageID\":\"7147051835464951\", \"systemMessageID\":\"5334091380487482\", \"partnerName\":\"PartnerName\", \"partnerID\":\"PartnerId\", \"conversationID\":\"sdfsdf\", \"documentID\":\"46051784092251646\", \"logType\":\"response\", \"messageBody\":\"This is the message body\" }} ]}]]></MessageBody>
| spath
| fields "MessageViewer.MessageBody"
| eval _raw= 'MessageViewer.MessageBody'
| fields - "MessageViewer.MessageBody"
| spath
This is a simple approach for example. You can read about the spath command and apply it to specific input and extract the fields you are interested in.
However, if you are only interested in JSON data, you can also think about indexing only JSON data within XML or may be re routing JSON Data using props.conf and transforms.conf.